Saturday, September 12, 2015

Everything You Want Is On the Other Side of Fear

See the video here.

I’ve talked about leaping to your next destination and escaping your problems by solving them and detours still getting you there. But we all know that there is an elephant in the room that’s blocking our way forward – and that elephant’s name is FEAR. Fear keeps us tied up tight, unable to move.

Fear of the unknown, fear of making a mistake, fear of failing, fear of success, fear of not being prepared, of being too old or too old, fear of not being good enough, fear of not having enough, fear of letting yourself down, fear of letting others down, fear that there’s not enough time, fear that there’s not enough money, fear that there’s just not enough of you.

How can we even start to move through those fears? What if we named our fears by writing them down? Naming them can weaken their power over us. Go ahead; write down every one of your fears. Wrestle them down onto paper or onto your phone/laptop/tablet. Look at those fears in the light of day. Illustrate them – tell a story about them. Take your time and get up close and personal with them.

Then, pick 1. Not the biggest, scariest one. We’re taking little steps here! We’re working on learning the process. Write that fear down, draw it out, type it up, print it out. Write down the specifics of what you’re afraid of.

I’ll share some of my fears. What if I write something and nobody likes it or shares it? Will they ever read anything else I write? What if I make a mistake with a client? Will they still want to work with me? Remember – not the biggest and scariest fear – yet.

Then, share your fear with the person you trust the most. Ask them what they think about your fear. Listen silently to what they have to say. Then repeat what they said back to them so you can feel their words coming out of your mouth. How did that feel? Did you learn something? Did you gain an insight on dealing with your fear?

Hold on to that insight, write it down, and figure out what your friend knows about you that you don’t. 

Use that input to loosen the knots that keep you tied down and start to move through your fear.  See what it feels like to be on the other side of fear.

Then do it again.


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